Magister Ilmu Komunikasi

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To become an Excellent, Professional and World Class Magister of Communication Program based on Information Technology ,Cultural Values and Local Wisdom.


  1. Educating and developing students’ self-potential with advanced knowledge through theoretical and practical abilities.
  2. Preparing students to be leaders in the field of Communication Studies with globally competitive expertise.
  3. Preparing students with the knowledge in accordance with the development of communication science to be able to compete through the development of research in the field of communication science.
  4. Educating students in conducting research that is competitive nationally and internationally / globally.
  5. Educating students in providing professional services in the field of communication for development and empowerment.


Program Objective:

  1. Providing students with advanced knowledge in communication science specifically in Marketing Communication which characterized by business and the use digital technology

  2. Providing students with knowledge of leadership and innovation in order to compete in global competition
  3. Equipping students with the knowledge and experience of international research to provide solutions in the social life of the community


Graduate Competency:

  1. Graduates will able to develop communication theories (applied theory) through inter / multi disciplinary research in social life by utilizing the development of communication and information technology
  2. Graduates will able to innovate in the field of communication, including mass media, business communication, marketing for advertising business, and areas related to the field of communication.
  3. Graduates will able to propose alternative solutions to social problems through the innovative approach to the communication science.
  4. Graduates will able to manage and improve the performance of the organization with communication science approach both internally and externally.
  5. Graduates will able to formulate marketing communications strategy for company or products by applying the approach of communication science and utilization of communication and information technology.
  6. Graduates will able to develop a business plan by applying communications science specially in business communication.


Professionals Graduates Prospects:

Profil Lulusan Prospek Karir
Praktisi Humas perusahaan atau praktisi komunikasi pemasaran
Manajer Manajer Marketing Communication, Manajer Marketing Public Relations, Manajer Corporate Communication
Wirausahawan Wirausaha di bidang komunikasi pemasaran
Narasumber/Ahli Narasumber/Ahli di bidang ilmu komunikasi/komunikasi pemasaran
Konsultan Konsultan komunikasi pemasaran
Staf Ahli Staf ahli di bidang komunikasi pemasaran baik pada pemerintah maupun swasta
Pengajar Dosen ilmu komunikasi di bidang Integrated Marketing Communication



Semester Periode Mata Kuliah SKS
1 1 Advanced Theory of Communication 4
Research Methodology for Communication 4
2 Philosophy of Communication Science 4
Research Proposal 2
Streaming: Strategic Marketing Communication Streaming: Strategic Media Convergence  
Branding in Strategic Communication Digital Customer Behavior & Network Analysis 4
2 1 Cyber and Digital Marketing Communication Strategy Social Communication Multiplatform 4
Public Relations and Global Marketing Communication Digital Journalism Strategy 4
2 Management of Business Communication Management of Media Convergence 4
Media Relations Strategy Digital Media Literacy 4
3 1 Research Result 2
2 Thesis 6



Prof. Dr. Edi Abdurahman, MS., MSc
Dr. Muhammad Aras, MSi (Lektor)
Dr. Zinggara Hidayat, MSi (Lektor)
Dr. Ulani Yunus, MM (Lektor)
Dr. Maryono Basuki (Lektor)
Dr. Virienia Puspita(Lektor)
Dr. Amia Luthfia (Lektor)
Dr. La Mani, MSc (Asisten Ahli)
Dr. A Razak Mozin, MSi (Asisten Ahli)
Irmawan Rahyadi,PhD (Lektor)
Dr. Ricardo Indra
Dr. Iwan Supriyadi (Asisten Ahli)
Dr. Rahmat Edi Irawan (Lektor)


Dr. Nunung Rusmiati, M.Si. (Owner & President Director PT. Patihindo Tours and Convex)
Triari Senawirawan, S.E. MBA (Senior Vice President, Head of Marketing & Digital Ecosystem DBS Indonesia)
Sari Soegondo, M.Si.(Executive Director and Founder ID Comm)
Reynir Fauzan (Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer in
Wendy Rizanto, S.Sos, SH., MA. (GM Sales and Marketing PT Citra Media Nusa Purnama – Media Indonesia)
Asteria Erlanda (Public Relations & Business Communications Manager MRA Media)
Pikukuh Tutuko (Founder – Chief Executive Officer · ‎PT Panenmaya)
Budiman Hakim (Creative Advisor at MACS909)
Edy Budyarso (Media Consultant Indoplus Communication)
Radityo Prabowo (Expert to the Special Staff to the Indonesia Minister of Education and Culture)
Yesiah Ery Tamalagi (Staf Khusus Kementerian Pertanian)
Retno Wulandari (General Manager The Sunan Hotel Solo)

Dosen tamu dari berbagai praktisi industri marketing & media
